Hq. & Hq. Co.
508th USASA Group
Korea 1957-1967

for anyone who served in 508th Group Hq. from 1957-1967:

508th Group's Headquarters and Headquarters Company was located in Yongdongpo, just across the Han River from the main part of Seoul. It was about 20 minutes from the Eighth U.S. Army Hq. and 15 minutes from downtown Seoul by jeep. The compound was called Camp Spade. You can find it on the map. Click here to see map.

The photo above is an aerial shot of Camp Spade, showing the entire compound and some of the surrounding area. Note the traffic circle in the lower-left. The Han River can be seen in the upper-right. The road on the right side of the compound is the route to Seoul (and everywhere else). To see a close-up view of the compound, with callouts identifying some of the buildings, just click on the picture.

The photo above is of some of the EM hooches at Camp Spade.

The photo above is of "Sylvester's Club," the unofficial name of the EM club at 508th GP HQ. The picture was taken by Gil Dudley, who was assigned to the 226th ASA CO in 1961. Gil passed away suddenly in mid-April 1999 (at the age of 56) of an aortic aneurysm that burst without warning. The photo was supplied by Ron Taylor, to whom Gil had sent it as an e-mail attachment.

The photo above is of the operations center at 508th Hq. It was supplied (as were the two below) by David Noyes, who shot it in June of 1962. He was a linguist, later assigned to A Co. in 1963.

The photo above is a view of the traffic circle (notice the absence of traffic) to the left (as you face out) of the gate at 508th Hq. June 1962.

The photo above is a view facing directly outside of the 508th gate. War damage on the building is still visible. June 1962.

The photo above shows the 508th Group Headquarters office building and was taken in 1959. It was supplied by Dick Sutherland. Note the staff cars are 1957 Chevys.

508th Group headquarters is a place I visited, briefly, perhaps three times during my year in Korea, and two of those were on the way in and on the way out. Most of the information I have about this unit has been supplied to me my others. I need more help from others who were there. I particularly need photos and written materials (stories, anecdotes, etc.). Submissions by ANYONE who was stationed at 508th GP HQ in Korea from 1957 - 1967 are eagerly sought. please e-mail me.

Click here to see additional material supplied by Ken Hughes.

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