A Message to all Former ASA People Who Served in Korea Under 508th Group
(1957-1967)I need your help!
As the creator and sponsor of this web site, I cannot put any more into it than I know about. Like most ASA people, I served only one three-year enlistment in the Army, from 1959-1962. Of that, I was assigned to 508th ASA Group only for the one-year period from the summer of 1960 to the summer of 1961. Furthermore, since I was in Co. A, 321st ASA BN (later re-designated Co. A, 508th GP), almost all my direct knowledge is limited to that particular unit at that particular time.
This is where you come in.
508th Group existed for ten years and consisted of many other units (about which my only source of information is other people). To make this site meaningful, we need all the help we can get from everyone who ever served with the ASA in 508th Group or any unit subordinate to it. We need to know as much as you care to tell about your particular unit and what you did in it at the time you were there. We particularly need:
So, if you were in the ASA, in Korea, during the years 1957 through the end of 1967, I want to hear from you. Please contact me by e-mail. Click here to e-mail me.
Gary Clark, website founder
055.20 (COMSEC monitor)
USASATR, Ft. Devens, MA - Jan - Jun 1960
Co. A, 321st ASA BN, 508th GP, Korea, Jul 1960 - Jul 1961
HQ USASAPAC, Camp Zama, Japan, Jul 1961 - Sep 1962