226th. USASA Operations Co.
508th USASA Group
Korea 1962-1967

for anyone who served in 226th ASA CO from 1962-1967:

The 226th ASA Operations Co was located on Kanghwa-do, a small island in the yellow Sea where the Han and Imjin rivers join to form a common estuary. Initially established under the 501st ASA Group when it was set up as a small ELINT and DF detachment consisting of only some 20 men. The small detachment grew rapidly and by 1958 was known as 1st Platoon of the 277th USASA Operations Company.

The 226th has another website which can be found at http://asa.npoint.net/korea63.htm. This website has several interesting stories about life in the unit in the early sixties, as well as a number of photos. You can see the location of the 226th on the map. Click here to see map.

The 226th USASA Operations Co. is the TDA unit that replaced the 1st Platoon of the 277th USASA Operations Co. when the 277th was eliminated in 1962. The 226th remained in operation on Kanghwa-do through the time when 508th Group was re-designated as USASA Group Korea in December 1967. At that time, 226th was re-designated as USASA Operations Company, Kanghwa-do.

The photo above is of the 226th compound in the early sixties. This picture was (I confess) taken from Ron Taylor's website, where it can be seen along with others.

The photo above is of one of the quonset hut hooches at 226th. The picture, and the one below, was taken by Gil Dudley, who was assigned to the 226th ASA CO in 1961. Gil passed away suddenly in mid-April 1999 (at the age of 56) of an aortic aneurysm that burst without warning. The photo was supplied by Ron Taylor, to whom Gil had sent it as an e-mail attachment.

The photo above was taken at the 226th compound on the occasion of the Fourth of July celebration in 1961. If anyone knows the names of any of the people in the photo, please e-mail me.

On this page I'm going to limit the content to information directly related to the structure and history of the 226th and its predecessor the 277th. Stories and additional photos appear on separate pages whose links are shown below. Be sure to click on all the links you see below to see all the information about the 226th.

Ron Taylor's 226th ASA Company Website.

Jim Wandell's contribution.

Return to 508th Group main page.