Cherry (puppy), Lowell Linde and Ipock in barracks at B Co.
Burns and An Hasu in Tongduchon.
According to the old joke, to get to Carnege Hall you have to practice a lot. One wonders how the music was in this Tongduchon version.
Grains for sale in Tongduchon market
Dried squid in another Tongduchon market
New B Co. sign that mystereously appeared after a
bad-ass new company commander took over B Co.
Schuler and friend in Tongduchon
Scene of a Tongduchon street market
Tongduchon street scene, with local people
Two moose in a Tongduchon club
Working the nearby rice paddies
Last, but not least, we have an unidentified ASA trooper exhibiting that state well known to so many of us who were also in the ASA.