John "Jack" HART

Thanks to Cecil Carver (NASAA board of directors), we may have discovered a charter member of the ASA. His name…Jack Hart and his age…99.  His last 2 years of service were the first 2 years of the ASA.  Immediately following is the link to the human-interest story that brought him to our attention.  All he had to do was jump out of a perfectly good airplane.  He was 99 years old and just 2 months shy of his 100th.  It’s a good story.  Open it. (goes to a separate page)

We, the NASAA, took immediate action to recognize Jack by granting him honorary membership and to prepare a few tokens for presentation.  Cecil had contacted his daughter, Carolyn, and was made aware of a celebration that was scheduled for 2 September.  Little did he know that it was a celebration of life.  Jack and the family wanted the celebration while he was still alive.  Unfortunately, Jack passed away 30 August, but we and Cecil were unaware until Cecil arrived for the celebration.  Immediately below is the human-interest story that captured his passing.  One of the stories that came out during the celebration was that Jack had had a friend make a pine box for his ashes and to title the box “Jack In The Box”.  Takes an ASAer to have this sense of humor.(goes to a separate page)

Please take a moment to honor Jack and his family in your thoughts and prayers.  Another ASAer has broken his last code and should be remembered.  Speaking of that, effort continues to have an ASA Memorial placed at Arlington National Cemetery.  The memorial isn’t about Cecil Carver who initiated the effort or the NASAA who is the official sponsor.  The memorial is all about Jack Hart and all the thousands of ASAers that served with/after him.  Soon we will begin our last battle campaign to get the memorial approved.  Honor Jack by putting your personal effort into writing your representatives.  Put on your parachute and take the leap!  New information on how to approach this writing campaign will be published on our website and facebook pages as soon as we have specific information you will need to mention but start putting some thought into it now.


William H. Luker
Chairman, NASAA